Kali ini masih soal anjing. Kutipan ini diambil dari film Marley and Me produksi tahun 2008. Jadi, kalo kamu dibilang anjing! Jangan marah dulu. Relax terus ambil kaca cermin, renungkan kalimat dibawah ini baik-baik. Setelah itu, bertanyalah pada diri sendiri siapa seh yang mestinya marah-marah? Kamu atau si anjing?
A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. A waterlogged stick will do just fine.
A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor clever or dull, smart or dumb.
Give him your heart,and he'll give you his.
How many people can you say that about?
How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special?
How many people can make you feel extraordinary?
From Marley and Me